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沉香燃烧器无需插电,只需使用蜡烟即可。 陶瓷是慢燃材料,但保持温度时间长,有助于沉香释放出更自然精致的芳香力   没有插电的沉香木燃烧器,只用蜡烛 陶瓷是一种缓慢燃烧的材料,但能长时间保持热量,帮助沉香释放更自然精致的芳香力   #沉香 #沉香槙城老字号 #马来西亚第一家沉香专卖店 #马来西亚最专业沉香专卖店  #沉香木  #马来西亚沉香 #gaharu #kynam #kyara #琪楠 #奇楠  

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RM38.00 RM58.00
15 sold

❤️精油之中,最神秘珍贵的莫过于沉香纯油,沉香有“植物中的钻石”之称,沉香纯油更是天地精华所在。沉香精油分子天然亲肤,迅速渗透,有安神解郁,调节气理等功效。 🎯沉香纯油分子极其微小,他们天然亲肤,极易渗透于皮肤,能很快被人体吸收并迅速渗透人体内且不油腻。 🎯沉香精油分子可3-5秒穿透皮肤真皮,皮下组织;5-8分钟进入人体血液与淋巴系统;4-12小时围绕人体一周,将营养留给细胞,多余成分不会残留体内直接排除体外。 ✅除此之外,皇家顶级呢是使用古法蒸馏从野生的沉香提炼出来的   1克大约等于1.5ml 1gram equal to approximately 1.

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RM180.00 - RM1,580.00 RM308.00 - RM2,000.00
26 sold

沉香消除顺的障碍,容光,常遇,常遇扶助,增加扶助,增加扶助,增加和,增强和,增强磁场,增强磁场,增强增强,增强能量和,带来能量和活力活力活力活力的障碍障碍款香水有添加了沉香。   而且使用者散发出天然花香味花香味花香味,而且也也清爽清爽清爽清爽清爽清爽清爽清爽清爽,味道味道清爽,味道味道清爽清爽也也也,味道味道也也也也也也也也也也也也也也也也也也也也清爽清爽清爽   沉香香水喷雾可以帮助你克服障碍,容光焕发。增强正能量和活力,带来好运   那些使用“花之美”香水的人会有一种自然而甜美的香味,让使用者闻起来清新而又不会过于强烈。此外,香水容器体积小,便于携带。

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Holy scent , pure agarwood essential oil , distilled from precious agarwood woodchips 沉香精油, 百分之百纯沉香蒸馏提炼,无稀释
  Agarwood oil, Oud oil is one of the most precious, rare and certainly most expensive essential oils in existence today. 纯正的沉香精油是世界上最贵的精油。   🌟用过的客户,就知道我们的纯正沉香精油是真正蒸馏萃取自沉香原材料🪵🪵🪵。 🎯蒸馏的过程是经过水蒸气把沉香油脂和水分离,一点一滴又三天三夜的收集,你们要知道,从木质取出油脂,那出油率有多低,0.

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RM135.00 - RM1,000.00 RM208.00 - RM1,500.00
13 sold

✅香消除不顺的的,容光的,常遇,常遇扶助,增加,增加,增加和,增强和,增强助旺,增强,增强增强,增强正,带来能量和活力本款香水加了沉香。   花草子让身上散发出天然花香味花香味,而且花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味也也也也,味道清爽清爽,味道清爽,味道味道清爽清爽也起来起来花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味花香味   ✅沉香香水喷雾可以帮助你克服障碍,容光焕发。增强正能量和活力,带来好运   ✨那些使用“花之美”香水的人会散发出一种自然而甜美的香味,让使用者闻起来清新而不刺鼻。此外,香水容器体积小,便于携带。   #沉香 #沉香槙城老字号 #马来西亚第

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USB电器沉香炉,其方便携带式电子香炉使用起来既方便又安全。 👉陶瓷加热元器件不会影响气味。 👉达到与木炭相同的温度(200-250°C)。不能自己调整温度 👉电池提供电,还包一个旅行袋。 👉去除甲醛和异味 👉拥有航空铝合金和金属触感 👉会散出自己的气氛 👉需要5-15分钟让炉上到200-250°C   规格 👉材质:铝合金 👉技术:氧化 👉颜色:黑色/银色 👉容量:100ml 👉现场:建议车内   一款 USB

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蜜香精油是使用了超临界萃取方式来取得的。 高品质天然药料精炼而成,气味清纯芳香,不弄脏衣服,迅速渗透促进人体血液循环,不只舒筋活络,緩解肌肉疼痛,也增强身体自然康复机能。 纯正的沉香精油是世界上最贵的精油。   1克大约等于1.5ml 1gram equal to approximately 1.

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RM138.00 - RM950.00 RM228.00 - RM1,300.00
5 sold

✅香消除不顺的障碍,容光障碍,常遇,常遇扶助,增加,增加,增加和,增强和,增强助旺,增强,增强增强,增强正,带来能量,带来活力,带来活力活力本款香水加了沉香。   ''''''''',它它它或者身边的都会比较提升提升和和专注起来起来。毕竟香水香水里里有了下去下去与让自己比起来清醒过来。这一款比起来更适合合在男性身上的味道。除此之外,香水的容器也不占位置,很容易到处携带。   ✅沉香香水喷雾可以帮助你克服障碍,容光焕发。增强正能量和活力,带来好运。香水的效果将持续约 20-30 分钟。   ✨''Creative Energy''

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我们使用槟城本地土特产来开发这一系列的沉香膏。 除了自家提炼的沉香纯油,为了更好的品质,也为了确保沉香膏货真物实不稀释,使用的是自家提炼萃取的豆蔻精油,麻疯柑油和香茅油,从源头就控制品质。 客户打开闻到的浓郁槟城豆蔻,切开的麻疯柑,正切着的香茅,它们都是真真实实用地道原材料蒸馏出来的植物精油。再用上等级别的天然蜂蜡,薄荷天然精油,杏仁油,橄榄油,葡萄仔油熬制成精华。每一瓶装净重有5克的精华药膏。



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RM20.00 - RM60.00 RM32.80 - RM70.00
(星洲系)西马野生虫漏 3号   West Malaysia Wild No.3
RM30.00 - RM320.00 RM40.00 - RM438.00
1 sold
(星洲系)West Malaysia Wild No.1   西马野生虫漏 1号
RM95.00 - RM1,500.00 RM130.00 - RM2,028.00
1 sold

👌这期的奇楠手工香窖藏了将近一年,天然粘粉楠木粉的味道化掉了,奇楠凉意也可以生闻出来了 用的材料都是💯100%纯天然的    ❤️#沉香 是最高等级的香材,沉香的最高级就是奇楠,奇楠是沉香中之珍品中的珍品,香料中的钻石。在沉香文化处于鼎盛时期的宋代,便有“一两沉香一两金”之说。到了明代,变成了“一寸沉香一寸金”。而 #奇楠 由于产量更少,自宋代起就已“一片万金”。   👌 This batch of Kynam handmade incense has been stored in the cellar for nearly a year, and the smell of natural sticky nanmu powder

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RM13.50 - RM2,300.00
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4 sold

We pride ourselves as the leading purveyor of top-quality Agarwood products, offering an unparalleled selection of genuine Agarwood supplies. With a commitment to excellence, we meticulously source and curate the finest Agarwood, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. 

We are dedicated to supplying premium-grade offerings that elevate any space with their rich aromas and spiritual significance. Our inventory is carefully crafted to cater to diverse preferences, from traditional blends to contemporary interpretations, ensuring that every customer finds their perfect match. Please contact us if you wish to know more about 野生沉香木 Agarwood.

沉香盘香 Agarwood Incense Coil
RM38.00 RM68.00

We pride ourselves as the leading purveyor of top-quality Agarwood products, offering an unparalleled selection of genuine Agarwood supplies. With a commitment to excellence, we meticulously source and curate the finest Agarwood, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. 

We are dedicated to supplying premium-grade offerings that elevate any space with their rich aromas and spiritual significance. Our inventory is carefully crafted to cater to diverse preferences, from traditional blends to contemporary interpretations, ensuring that every customer finds their perfect match. Please contact us if you wish to know more about 祥龙.

RM5.00 RM10.00
加里曼丹(沉水)6mm x 108颗
重量: 19.9克
RM23,800.00 RM35,800.00

We pride ourselves as the leading purveyor of top-quality Agarwood products, offering an unparalleled selection of genuine Agarwood supplies. With a commitment to excellence, we meticulously source and curate the finest Agarwood, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. 

We are dedicated to supplying premium-grade offerings that elevate any space with their rich aromas and spiritual significance. Our inventory is carefully crafted to cater to diverse preferences, from traditional blends to contemporary interpretations, ensuring that every customer finds their perfect match. Please contact us if you wish to know more about 达拉干 手串.


We pride ourselves as the leading purveyor of top-quality Agarwood products, offering an unparalleled selection of genuine Agarwood supplies. With a commitment to excellence, we meticulously source and curate the finest Agarwood, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. 

We are dedicated to supplying premium-grade offerings that elevate any space with their rich aromas and spiritual significance. Our inventory is carefully crafted to cater to diverse preferences, from traditional blends to contemporary interpretations, ensuring that every customer finds their perfect match. Please contact us if you wish to know more about 东马虎斑 沉香手串 10mm x 19.


We pride ourselves as the leading purveyor of top-quality Agarwood products, offering an unparalleled selection of genuine Agarwood supplies. With a commitment to excellence, we meticulously source and curate the finest Agarwood, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. 

We are dedicated to supplying premium-grade offerings that elevate any space with their rich aromas and spiritual significance. Our inventory is carefully crafted to cater to diverse preferences, from traditional blends to contemporary interpretations, ensuring that every customer finds their perfect match. Please contact us if you wish to know more about 达拉干 鼓珠.

RM800.00 RM1,200.00
文莱老料沉水 10 x 19
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We pride ourselves as the leading purveyor of top-quality Agarwood products, offering an unparalleled selection of genuine Agarwood supplies. With a commitment to excellence, we meticulously source and curate the finest Agarwood, ensuring that each product meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity. 

We are dedicated to supplying premium-grade offerings that elevate any space with their rich aromas and spiritual significance. Our inventory is carefully crafted to cater to diverse preferences, from traditional blends to contemporary interpretations, ensuring that every customer finds their perfect match. Please contact us if you wish to know more about 持柳观音.