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The little secret of Agarwood essential oil

The little secret of Agarwood essential oil

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Customers who have used our pure agarwood essential oil know that it is truly distilled from agarwood raw materials 🪵🪵🪵.
The distillation process separates the agarwood oil and water through steam, and it takes three days and nights to collect every drop of the essential oil. Now, you should know that the yield of oil extracted from wood is very low, about 0.01% to 0.05%. As a result, pure agarwood essential oil without any additives is very expensive.
Now that we've revealed the secret to you, you can understand the yield of essential oil extracted from wood.
When you see agarwood oil being sold online at such low prices and everyone claims to sell the purest, it is either synthetic fragrance or a substitute with additives. The worst part is that they may have added harmful unknown additives to it.
In fact, it is easy to make cheap essential oils, but it is difficult to find completely pure ones in the market.
Like our own agarwood raw materials distilled into pure agarwood essential oil, they are authentic and contain no additives. We are the only ones who provide this product, which is why we are not afraid of customers not returning.

17 Mar 2023