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Trustworthy Agarwood Specialty Store

Looking for agarwood prayer beads?
In the picture, we have used the leftover raw materials from making agarwood beads, and there are some relatively lighter-colored materials remaining.

We try not to waste materials as agarwood logs that can be made into beads are becoming rarer and more expensive, costing thousands of yuan per kilogram.

When purchasing raw materials, it's like gambling with jade stones. Sometimes, after drying the agarwood logs, we may find holes and pits inside, which makes it difficult to carve many beads.

Therefore, the cost of agarwood beads is high, but many beginners who are new to agarwood may not understand this, thinking that they can get dark, shiny agarwood beads for just a few hundred yuan.
If one persists in seeking such appearance, often what they may end up buying is:
1. Fake agarwood made from materials other than agarwood, such as bamboo, crocodile wood, etc.
2. Agarwood of poor quality that has been processed
a. Agarwood beads made by compressing agarwood powder at high pressure
b. Agarwood beads made by adding fragrance/essential oil to white wood (wood without agarwood resin)
To find genuine agarwood, it is recommended to look for reputable agarwood specialty stores with physical shops, as store owners would not risk selling fake products and ruining the trust and reputation they have built up over the years.

14 Apr 2023