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Agarwood: Calm your heart

Modern life can be stressful, and it's not easy for our minds to settle down. We can use agarwood to help calm our minds.
Agarwood contains active ingredients such as agarospirol and flavonoids in its aroma, which are inhaled by humans and enter the bloodstream, affecting the central nervous system, promoting the secretion of endorphins, and generating peaceful and serene feelings.
The aroma of agarwood can induce alpha waves (α-waves) in the brain, which is why it has been revered as the king of all fragrances by emperors and nobles throughout history, with a continuous flow of inspiration, intuition, imagination, and other pyramid-like effects.
Alpha waves are one of the four basic brain waves. They are usually associated with subconscious states, when the brain is in an alpha state.
Alpha waves act as a bridge between consciousness and subconsciousness, providing an effective pathway to access the subconscious mind, promoting the generation of inspiration, accelerating information gathering, and enhancing memory, making them the optimal brain waves for learning and thinking. When the brain is filled with alpha waves, conscious activities are significantly inhibited, and logical thinking and reasoning activities cannot be performed. At this time, the brain relies on intuition, inspiration, imagination, and other forms of receiving and transmitting information.

11 Nov 2022