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The cost behind agarwood beads

🌈What are the unknown costs behind the agarwood beads?
Agarwood bracelets carry thousands of years of spiritual energy, with an elegant charm and a subtle, refreshing fragrance that is beneficial for health and longevity.
💥Risk of material selection
Purchasing agarwood raw materials is similar to gambling, as you cannot determine the quality of the agarwood inside a piece of raw material until it is cut open. You only know that it is agarwood, but whether it is suitable for carving beads is another matter. Sometimes, a piece of agarwood may look good on the outside, but when cut open, it may be soft and rotten, making it unsuitable for carving beads, or it may only yield very small beads. Therefore, larger beads are more valuable than smaller beads of the same quality.
💥Risk of carving
If the distribution of oil and resin inside the agarwood is uneven, it can be difficult to carve a strand of beads with good quality, as more often than not, beads with water-filled voids may be produced.
💥Issue of misjudgment
When purchasing raw materials, merchants may also make mistakes, encountering fake oil, water-soaked materials, glue-coated materials, lead-filled materials, etc., which can result in loss outweighing the gain. The higher the quality of the material, the greater the risks borne by the merchants.
💥Issue of material consumption during carving
Carving beads requires multiple processes such as raw material selection, slicing, carving, water polishing, and polishing before it can become a finished product. Each step consumes a lot of raw materials, and if there are issues such as material breakage during the carving process, the losses can be significant.
💥Issue of bead quality
Even if a large piece of agarwood is intact, the quality of the beads carved from it can vary greatly, making it difficult to find a strand of beads with excellent quality. Therefore, agarwood beads that are made from the same material, have no repairs, perfect appearance, good fragrance, and good quality are highly valuable and rare.

11 Nov 2022